Sunday 30 March 2008

Gun bases

Still not clear in regards of the gun bases. Knowing that the infantry bases are 5x5 cm, here are a few possibilities:
  • 3x3 cm 1 gun
  • 3x5 cm 1 guns
  • 3x3 cm 2 guns
  • 3x5 cm 2 guns
  • 4x4 cm 2 guns
  • 4x4 cm 2 guns

One gun looks a bit lonely

Here, two guns are a bit crowded

hmm, still not sure


Robert said...

Personally, I wouldn't hesitate going with a deeper base. I have no data on the actual depth ( I really need to invest in a a copy of Dawson and Summerfield’s "Napoleonic Artillery") but my hunch is that given the caissons and limbers, an artillery battery would have a pretty long "tail".

If you don't want to get the limbers or caissons, a mounted officer or two at the back of the stand may look sharp.

30mm is a bit of a squeeze for frontage as you say. I'd have no trouble with 40mm with a depth of 50mm.

Infantry bases are probably already deeper than they should be already anyway, but given that the rules are not specific about the level of representation it may not matter much.

Braxen said...

Yes, I am quite sold now to the 4x5 cm bases. It should leave enough room to play.