Saturday 1 March 2008

moving on

Painting progress for this week has been substantial:

I have completed
  • 2 x French Dragons units (15 cavalry in total)
  • 1 x lancer of Berg (7 cavalry)
  • 1 x lancer of the Vistula(?) - well they are blue with yellow facings and Chakzpa (8 cavalry)
  • 1 x Middle guard unit (30 figures)

I am still thinking of basing roughly 16-20 infantry and 7 cavalry per base. I don't think I will have the strength to paint 24-30 infantrymen and 9-10 cavalrymen units, especially if some day I want to field the 52 units that should be on the French side for Waterloo (darned, I want to win this one!)

Still have to do
  • 2 x French Hussards units (15 cavalry in total)
  • 2 x French Chasseurs units (15 cavalry in total)
  • 320 x Polish infantry
  • maybe guns (16 ?), and most of the command
Still not sure I have found the most effective way to paint. I will describe it in another post.


Robert said...

Well, it sounds like 6mm is going to be a LOT quicker to paint than 28's!

I'm looking forward to getting my first order from Baccus- I went for for the Austrian "booster pack" as a start, along with flags, some jaegers, and caissons ( I really want to try my hand at an artillery "diorama").

Are you set on base sizes yet? I know you were talking about doing units on a 40mm frontage, but 60mm does look more impressive- and more to the point, I already have over 100 pre-cut 60 X 30 bases from Litko than I can use immediately rather than having to special order more 40mm ones!

Braxen said...

Robert, the calculation is easy: deploy 50 bases 6cm long, it takes 3 meters width base to base; let's suppose you make a first line and a reserve -25 bases width- that's 1.5 meters wide if they are still base to base. On a standard table (1.80m wide) you will not have room to maneuver.

25 bases (2 lines) with 4cm per base takes 1 meter in width, base to base.

My thinking is that I need a compromise between diorama effect, time to paint (cut by 1/3) and space available not to mention weight of troops. But most surely space and painting time are my two most influencing points in the balance.